Our station is named after St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan Friar who died as a martyr in Auschwitz during the Nazi regime. Before his ordination, Kolbe started an organization known as the Militia Immaculata which helped 'fight for Mary' against enemies of the church. Kolbe also gained a radio license to publicly broadcast his views on Catholicism. This included his teachings on the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1941, he was arrested and sent to Auschwitz, where he continued to work as a priest and offer solace to inmates. When the Nazi guards selected 10 people to be starved to death as punishment in retaliation for an escaped prisoner, Kolbe volunteered to die in place of the father of a large family. He was later canonized as a martyr of charity by St. John Paul II.
Our call sign honors the martyr St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe. It also uses the letter "K" for Katolik, meaning "Catholic" in Kolbe's native language, Polish. That is how our call sign K-M-M-K was created! The tag line of our station is: "RADIO TO THE MAX"
Militia Immaculata Website link:
An excellent resource for learning more about Consecration to Mary is a book titled, “BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER: The Path to Total Consecration to Our Lady in the Spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe.”
A link to this booklet can be found here:
Additionally you can obtain your free copy by the CONTACT section of this website. Or call the KMMK studio line at 319-775-2579
The National Shrine of Maximilian Mary Kolbe is located in Libertyville, Illinois, NW of Chicago, on the way to Milwalkee. The shrine has articles of Kolbe, a relic, as well as a museum.
The Chapel schedule is on the CLICK HERE on the landing page.
A livestream for the shrine chapel is https://kolbeshrine.org/chapel-live-stream
The National Kolbe Shrine is in front of the entrance to the city of Mundeline, Illinois, which houses the University of St. Mary of the Lake where many seminarians attend and discern prior to ordination for the priesthood.
Learn about courage, love, and the selfless sacrifice of St. Kolbe. Produced by Real Life Catholic and EWTN Network.
The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother have produced this documentary about the life of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
Pack up the family any time of year and go to Champion, Wisconsin (near Green Bay) to visit the only approved apparition site of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the United States.
St. Maximilian visited the grotto at Lourdes, France, before any major decisions. It is only right that we consult our Blessed Mother, the Immaculata (his preferred title for Our Mother) for our lives and our families. Plan a trip in conjunction with your consecration to Jesus through Mary.